A tobacco farm village and its residents in Malawi's Kasungu district. Workers, including young children, live in straw huts for 10 months while they work on the farm
Esther Banda, 20, Chifundo, 3, and Yeriko Chimvula Phiri, 26, outside their home
Orphaned child labourer Tiyamike Phiri at work on a tobacco plot belonging to her brother's family. The 14-year-old says she left school because she had no materials with which to study. She hopes to return and study to become a nurse
Residents of the farm, including Tiyamike Phiri, an orphaned child labourer, left, at work on a tobacco plot belonging to her brother’s family
Preparing the tobacco leaves for drying in Mchinji, Malawi
Sewing tobacco leaves in preparation for drying
Tobacco leaves drying on a farm in Malawi's Kasungu district
Dionetsetse Dickson, 14, and his brother, John Kennedy Dickson, 16, both work in a tobacco farm village in Malawi's Kasungu district
***WARNING - TOBACCO SPECIAL REPORT - DO NOT USE*** Orphaned child labourer Tiyamike Phiri, 14, working on a tobacco plot alongside her family
A tobacco farm village in Malawi's Kasungu district, 2018
Joshua Kachala, a contract farmer, at a farm in Mchinji, Malawi, 2018
Children living at the tobacco farm village in Malawi's Kasungu district
Dickson Chimkukuzi, 49, one of the managers at the farm, Kasungu district, Malawi
The sun sets on a tobacco farm in the Mchinji District in the Central Region of Malawi
Residents of the tobacco farm village in the Kasungu district of Malawi, 2018